Friday, May 6, 2011

Proverbs 29

***Proverbs 29***

Verse 13 "The poor and the oppressor have this in common, the Lord gives sight to the eyes of both."

I recently started using my twitter account. I've had it for a couple years, but in the past couple weeks I have started reading and leaving tweets. It's interesting to hear what people have to say... especially celebrities when they don't have a public relations person right next to them.

I like to follow football players... because I like football. I have been surprised by some of the things that these men say. One of them, Rashard Mendenhall, questioned whether or not Osama bin Laden was even responsible for the tragedy on 9/11. Adrian Peterson compared the NFL to modern-day slavery. It's moments like that when I realize that celebrities are no better or smarter than me.

We put celebrities on a pedestal, we care what they have to say... But why? Just because they can run with a football doesn't or pretend to be someone else in front of a camera doesn't mean they are more qualified than us to speak on foreign policy.

God made us all the same... but we have different gifts. Our society rewards some gifts with wealth and fame and rewards some gifts with $40,000 a year... like teachers.

It doesn't mean that those who teach are less important than famous people... I'd argue they are more important. That's just my opinion though.

I'm not afraid to share my opinion. None of us should be. Every idea from every person is important. We are called to think for ourselves and to let God speak through our ideas. Every one of us... poor and rich.

Our church and world and are depending on our thoughts to figure out what to do next!

The old thoughts aren't working very well...

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