Thursday, May 26, 2011

Esther 4

***Esther 4***

Esther tells Mordecai to fast while she prepares to go see the king... and move that will put her life on the line.

She decides to put her life on the line so that she might possibly save her people. Sounds like she would make a good soldier. That is what soldiers do everyday, they put their lives on the line so that the citizens of their country might be safe.

Memorial Day is fastly approaching, a day that we get off work and fire up the grill. A day that is supposed to be spent in remembrance and gratitude for all the men and women that fought and died so that Americans could sleep soundly at night.

Unfortunately we do not give these men and women the gratitude they deserve, their sacrifice is too great for us to ever properly re-pay them.

Kind of like Jesus... we could never give enough gratitude to properly re-pay him for what he did.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

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