Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Esther 3

***Esther 3***

Haman wants to kill every Jew on earth because one will not bow to him. I have met some people with some big egos, but this he has a world-class ego.

A whole nation of people punished for the action of one. I don't know history very well but something tells me that this is more common than we expect. Wars are started by a couple people and it's the innocent sons and daughters that are sent off to fight and die.

Haman is guilty for starting this mess, but Mordecai is guilty too. His stubbornness could lead to the murder of thousands of people.

We are in a war every day... a war which we started and a war that won't end until we're dead... we're at war with sin. And sin isn't losing!

Just like any other war it is the innocent who has to die... Jesus.

But unlike this chapter where one man caused death of many, the death of one man saved many.

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