Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Proverbs 26

***Proverbs 26***

Verse 28 "A lying tongue hates its victims."

I was searching for a verse in this chapter that would let me write abous Osama... but after reading verse 28 I thought of Milli Vanilli. So this is about Milli Vanilli.

For those of you who don't know who Milli Vanilli is, here is some background. They were pop stars that had a number of hits and even won a grammy, the only problem is that they weren't singing... they lip synched their way to a grammy.

And when they were finally found out their lives became miserable. They were stripped of their grammy and sued by a ton of different people asking for their money back... one of the members ended up dying tragically of a drug overdose.

People do not like being lied to. Most often when people lie they do it for their own gain, whether it be to make themselves look good or wealth like Milli Vanilli. Except for the occasional white lie, you know the "does this make me look fat?" one.

All lies have victims, though some are more painful than others. The result is strained relationships and lack of trust. Which means the greatest victim is the liar... the one that ends up alone.

I have a friend that has had a hard life. He blames many different things for his hard life.... some of which are valid and others are excuses. Sometimes he lies about dumb things, just so people will feel more sorry for him. I told him it is time that he takes responsibility for his life and if he wants to be successful it is up to him. No one else.

Sometimes the truth is the last thing we want to hear. But it is always the right thing to say... except for the "does this make me look fat?" question.

Blame it on the mirror.


  1. Wow, is you friend on your blog?

  2. To love your God with all your heart,
    Your soul, your strength, your mind,
    Enables you to love someone
    Who’s hurtful and unkind.

    Loving God is the key to loving others.
    Even loving Osama or Obama
