Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Esther 6 & 7 & a video

***Esther 6 & 7***

When reading these 2 chapters, I think it makes most sense that they be read together, so I'm blogging them together.

The story of Esther is about people manipulationg and trapping King Xerxes so that he will rule in favor of their self-interest. Haman is so certain that the King will do as he wishes that he has a pole contructed to impale Mordecai before he ever talks to him. (The pole was 50 cubits, which is like 75 feet high... talk about abnoxious!)

But sometimes when we deal in deception and manipulation things backfire... like they did for Haman, as he was the one that was impaled on the pole.

Have you ever tried to buy or sell anything on Craigslist? You might look at something and they'll say "someone is coming buy in an hour to see it." They try to create a sense of urgency so you have to make a decision right away. Auto dealerships do the same thing... the price is only good until the end of the day, "we're not sure what the incentives will be tomorrow." They try and manipulate the situation so that the buyer feels forced to decide before they are ready.

And it often backfires... people walk away from high-pressure sales. But it could backfire the other way. I usually think that these people are full of it, and wait until I'm ready to decide... but the deal may be over and the thing sold because someone really was coming in an hour or the incentives really did change.

It happens in our relationships too. A girl or guy is ready for a deeper commitment and their partner isn't yet, but instead of being patient the partner is scared away. A worker demands a raise and bluffs about another job offer only to be told to pursue the other opportunity. A mother kicks out her unruly son hoping he will grow up, but he overdoses.

All stories I have heard. Stories that support a truth... life is hard.

The easiest way to navigate through is with patience and the truth.

And then there is this video:

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