Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Proverbs 31

***Proverbs 31***

This is an intersting chapter. We have moved on from Solomon and now are graced with wisdom of Lemuel's mom. Thank God for moms.

I remember watching videos in biology class about the births of mammals. What was amazing was that the babies were able to do so much... the deer could walk immediately and the whale could swim immediately. Animal babies are much more prepared for life than human babies. Without a mom to nurture us, to teach us how to live we would be lost.

Mother's Day just passed. I hope that each of you found some special way to honor your mom for all that they have done for you... after all, honoring our mothers is a commandment.

But what about moms who don't deserve to be honored? What about the women who were/are terrible moms? They don't deserve a card and flowers. Unfortunately there are not many requirements to be a mom and some people were just not made to be parents. How do we honor them and obey the commandment?

We can honor them by forgiving them. They may have been abusive and just mean people and they may have inflicted emotional pain that will never go away. But forgiveness isn't just about them, it's about you too.

Forgiving people that have done us wrong allows us to let go of the pain they caused. It doesn't happen overnight, but we can let go of a little bit of it everyday. Until maybe one day it will be all gone. I'm not saying that forgiveness will make everything better, but it is a start.

I know that some don't even want to talk to those that hurt them, and that's fine. You don't even need to tell them you forgive them. Just decide for yourself that you are going to start the forgiving process. Maybe you'll get to a point where you send them a letter, but you don't have to. And forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation... you do not need to have a relationship with them.

Forgiveness could be the best present you ever give yourself.

*************Tomorrow we start the book of James**************************

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