Thursday, May 5, 2011

Proverbs 28

***Proverbs 28***

Verse 17: "Anyone tormented by the guilt of murder will seek refuge in the grave, let no one hold them back."

I immediately thought of two men when I read this, Judas and David.

Judas and David both had blood on their hands.

Judas betrayed Jesus, but did not know they would cricufy him. He was so distraught over it that he commited suicide... and he is thought of as one of the worst villains the world has ever seen.

David didn't have Uriah arrested, instead he sent him to the front lines of the battle so he would be killed... David did it so he could marry Uriah's wife Bathsheba, who gave him a son named Solomon... the same guy that wrote Proverbs.

David didn't commit suicide, in fact he felt little remorse... yet he is remembered as a hero of the faith.

What both men did was wrong. Both should have been tormented by the guilt of murder. Yet one is a hero. Why?

Because he wrote the Psalms?

Because Uriah wasn't Jesus?

Truth is Jesus' death is on us all. Not just Judas. Jesus death was atonement for David and Judas' sins. And for your sins and my sins.

We should all feel a little guilty.


  1. I agree with this!! If Judas didn't betray Jesus, then how would he have been crucified? And, yes, we should all feel guilty.

  2. I'm not taking on that guilt. I would rather express my extreme gratitude and be ever mindful of the sacrifice that was made for all of us.
