Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Esther 2

***Esther 2***

After reading chapter 2, chapter 1 makes a little more sense.

Chapter 2 tells us how Esther becomes queen, but she does so by not being very honest. She does not reveal her nationality to anyone for fear that she will not be eligible to meet the king.

God has a long history of using imperfect people to accomplish His will.

Abraham told Pharoah that Sarah was his sister...

Jacob pretended to be Esau to steal his birthright...

Humans, every one of us, even the heroes of the bible are imprefect. However, God worked through their imperfections and God still works through our imperfections. But I guess that makes sense, if we had to be perfect for God to work through us then nothing good would ever get done.

God can use every one of us at any time. No matter what nationality we are or what we have done in the past.

If you can breathe you are qualified to do God's work.

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