Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Proverbs 27

***Proverbs 27***

Verse 20: "Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are human eyes."

Now I have a verse that allows me to write about Osama bin Laden.

How should we respond to the death of a man that was never satisified by death and destruction? A man that would dream of ways to kill large amounts of innocent people.

Let me begin by saying that there is nothing wrong with rejoicing for those who served their country and put their lives on the line to keep us safe. There is nothing wrong with rejoicing with all those affected by the this terrorist over the last ten years and the closure that his death has brought to them as they continue to heal.

But we must mourn too.

We mourn all the lives that we have been robbed of. We mourn for the children who lost their parents on 9/11 and in war. We mourn for the parents that lost their children. We mourn for everyone that has lost a loved one. But most of all we mourn for a world that has wandered far from its creator.

The foundational problem is that so many have no idea what "good" is. We have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and believed the devil's lie, that we will know what is good and what is evil. Osama believed that what he was doing was good, it was the will of his god.

I think we can all agree that killing innocent people is not good. But do we miss the mark in other areas? Probably. I'm not saying that we should consider ourselves evil, but understand that the world that we live in is broken.

How many of us want to the see the picture of his corpse? I know I did... and part of me still wants to see it. Because just like destruction human eyes are never satisfied. Is it good that we post the picture of a corpse for the world to see? What God would want us to do? I'm not so sure.

Now that we have Osama, will the war end? Is this war on terror something that will ever end?

Will we ever be satisfied?

Will we ever be able to stop mourning?

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