Wednesday, May 18, 2011

***James 4***

***James 4***

When I was in college I set a goal for myself to own a Ferrarri. I really thought I would get one by the time I was 35. I told one of my friends that I would and she laughed at me... that even gave me greater motivation.

I still have 4 years until I turn 35, but even if I somehow came into a small fortune I think the last thing on my list of priorities is a Ferrarri... I no longer need it to validate myself.

Verse 1-3 states that many of our quarrels and fights with others actually come from within, from greed, pride or envy. We all struggle with finding inner-peace, with being happy with what we have and where we are. We dream about better jobs that garner more respect and more money. We are envious of those that have better bodies than us and nicer homes.

The longing from inside of us causes us to make poor decisions. We think people at work are brown-nosers because they are trying to get the promotion we deserve so we start a personal competition with them... only they don't know it.

I have entered into a competition with my two next-door neighbors for who can have the greenest grass... but they don't know it.

It's just the American way to live. Advertisers pay billions of dollars every year to convince us that we aren't good enough and the things we have aren't nice enough... so we buy the new car, the new golf clubs, the new clothes, the new weight loss snacks...

If we are constantly at war with ourselves... "I'm not good enough... yes I am... no I'm not... yes I am... ahhh.... I'm going to get a Big Mac." Then how can we expect to find peace in relationships with others?

The secret is this... God will never give you all the stuff you want, so stop asking. Instead, ask God to help you want the things you have.

Personal satisfaction is the foundation for peaceful repationships.

1 comment:

  1. i wasn't laughing at you... i was laughing at the idea of a car would make you happy like that. i believe that it takes setting goals to make some people move forward in life; even if you don't meet them, knowing that you tried can give you the same sensation of accomplishment. i am proud to call you a friend and cherish watching you set goals and attempt to achieve them, no matter if you do in the end or not.
