Thursday, June 23, 2011

Romans 8

"Verse 38 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus."

This morning has been a holy morning. I feel extremely blessed and humbled that God has called me into the service of Word and Sacrament.

This morning I baptized a man that has been fighting disease. His prognosis for the short term is good, but there is high likelihood that the disease will return. So, with an uncertain future here on earth he made sure that his eternal future was taken care of.

That's what this verse is all about.

No matter what happens to us here. Nothing can separate us from the promises that God has made in love through Jesus.

The one and only thing that can separate you from God... is you.

Some people choose to live their lives separate from God. Some people blame God for the wickedness in the world. Some blame God for wars (some wars were started by Christians in the name of God), for earthquakes, hurricanes and deaths of loved ones.

Some people want nothing to do with God.

I started a book group at Abiding Grace and the first book we are reading is called Love Wins, it was written by Rob Bell. Bell argues that a loving God wouldn't send people to hell.

My response is... what if hell is where people want to go, to stay away from God. Wouldn't it be a loving act by God to submit to their wishes? Out of love God gave us freedom, freedom to live how we want and freedom to deny the One who gave us freedom.

Separation then is a gift to those who want it.

I have returned the gift and exchanged it for something better.

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