Thursday, June 30, 2011

Romans 11

In Romans 11 Paul states that all of Israel will be saved, all of Israel is going to heaven.

The same people that denied Jesus, that begged the Romans to crucify Jesus will be in heaven with Jesus.


Because God's love is bigger than we can understand.

God made a promise to Israel long before Jesus entered the world (verses 26-27) and God does not go back on His promises.

Even though they denied God's son, they beat him, mocked him, treated him like a criminal, stripped him of his clothes and tried to strip him of his dignity, and convinced the Romans to carry out the cruelest form of execution possible.

Still God keeps His promise.

If I were God and I witnessed my son being treated like that I might go back on my promise. Good thing I'm not God.

But how far is God willing to go?

What about people who deny Jesus today? People who mock and murder Christians?

Will God give them the punishment that they deserve?

Or will God offer them the same grace he has offered to Israel?

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