Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Romans 7

"So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin."

Yesterday I wrote about how I want to do what God wants me to do and how sinning isn't fun. But today I found myself having fun and I think I was sinning.

I came home from visiting someone in the hospital and found a huge ant hill next to my driveway. There were thousands of ants living in this big mound of dirt. Ants were created by God, they do their own thing and don't really bother me. But today I felt like I needed to remove them from my property. So I took some Ortho-kill-little-ugly-things stuff and sprayed it on the top of the mound. Then I took a rake and started destroying the mound and a sea of black little ants came pouring out. And I got every last one of them with the sprayer. I don't know why I enjoyed it so much, maybe it was therapeutic.

And afterwards I felt great... I'm still kind of smiling.

Is that what God wanted me to do? Probably not. Was it a sin? Maybe. It felt sinful anyway.

The point of the story is that we are at the same times both slaves to God and to sin.

Martin Luther said that we are both saints and sinners. Instead of being one or the other we are both. We live in the tension of serving God and ourselves. Until we no longer live on this earth.

And that's good enough for me.

I think I know of another ant mound.

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