Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Habakkuk 2

***Habakkuk 2***

Verse 15 "Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors ... so he can gaze upon their naked bodies." When did the bible become PG-13? Is that why my neighbors have yet to offer me a drink? Hmmm...

Let's talk about verse 4 instead "The righeous person shall live by faith."

What does that mean to live by faith? Because it's not very practical. I can't have faith that my fridge is going to be full and my bills paid... I need to work to make that happen. So how is it possible to live by faith?

Our church has been doing a bible study on the book of Acts and last night we studied chapter 20. In chapter 20 Paul says goodbye to some good friends, he realizes he will never see them again so he leaves them with some wisdom.

He tells them that he spoke fearlessly, lived independently and faced the future boldly. I would say those three are pretty good examples of how to live a life of faith.

1. Speak the truth at all times. Don't speak a lie, even if you think it is what the other person wants to hear. Tell people why you believe what you believe without fear of offending. But be open-minded as well.

2. Do not rely on others to take care of you. Work if you can, earn a living and live within your means. Living independently means living on what you make, not what you make and what you can borrow at 20% interest.

3. Realize that all things, good and bad come to an end (sadly, even this blog). Nothing will last forever on this earth. We will quit, be fired or retire from our job. My wife or I will die first. It's a fact of life. Do not fear the future because our hope is not in human efforts but in divine grace. We will live eternally, but not here and not because anything we accomplish.

And the final thing I would add is love. Love all the time. But love the right way.

Alcohol + nakedness does not equal love.

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