Thursday, June 2, 2011

Esther 9

***Esther 9***

The Jews kill more than 75,000 enemies in one day... a day that become a religious holiday.

It is a great victory for the Jews who were afraid of being destroyed by the evil plot of Haman... but should it be a religious holiday?

Did God act is the murder of 75,000 men?

I am certain that God did not want the Jews to be erased from the world... but I don't think God wanted 75,000 people slaughtered either.

Did God bless America through the atomic bomb? Should we celebrate every year the anniversary of when we dropped it on Japan? No and no.

It's incredibly sad that it ever happened. This story too is incredibly sad. I shutter when I think of what men are capable of.

God did respond, but he didn't come and kill any enemies, he came to be sacrificed.

At the hands of men.


  1. and just think... there are men like that (killers) living on earth among us today. it is sad. but for the fortunate few of us, we learn, grow, and teach others that acts like that are not a way to live.

  2. also - it is a fact that many, many more Japanese were killed by common "incendiary" bombs, because their homes were built from wood and highly flammable. Many historians would agree the the net casualties of the Japanese population were far less, *because* of the atomic bomb. My mother worked with a Japanese survivor of Nagasaki, who moved to the U.S. after WWII, and according to her, the vast majority of the Japanese population were very happy that the war was over, and that they did NOT have to "die to the last man, woman, and child" to honor the Japanese Empire. So - maybe it is the opposite - another example of God having mercy on humanity.

  3. P.S. - My mom's name was... Esther. Go Figure.
