Thursday, June 9, 2011

Habakkuk 3

***Habakkuk 3***

Verse 13 "You came out to deliver your people, to save your anointed one."

Habakkuk was a prophet, he saw things before they happened. This book is believed to have been written in the 7th century BC, meaning it was written before the Babylonians came and took the Jews into exile.

We know very little, if nothing about Habakkuk, except that he was Jewish. And like all Jews, he was waiting for the Messiah to come. The first two chapters he got right. The Babylonians came, destroyed Jerusalem and took the Jews into exile. But chapter 3 is a vision of God coming to deliver His people and save his anointed one, or the Messiah.

God does deliver the Jews from Babylonians after 80 years and Jerusalem is re-built. But the Messiah does not come until later.

God is up to something bigger than Habakkuk can grasp. God sends the Messiah, Jesus to save all people, not just the Jews.

The world is delivered by God through the Messiah... but not by God coming to save him, but by God forsaking him on the cross.

God is still up to something bigger than we can grasp. Understanding that is the beginning to a life of faith.

There is danger in thinking that we can grasp what God is doing.

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