Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Romans 2

I have been blogging the bible now for close to 4 months. I have posted 73 blogs and we are in our 11th book of the bible. I post my blog here and then always post it on facebook so that more people have the chance to see it. Over the past 4 months I have posted on all kinds of things, scandalous things like Osama bin Laden and an innocent man being put to death by the government for the crimes of someone else.

Occaisonally I'll get a comment about my blog, or maybe someone will hit the "like" button. But the one day I talk about homosexuality my facebook page fills up with comments. Every generation has their issue. 500 years ago it was the Lord's Supper, 30 years ago it was women's ordination... I guess ours is homosexuality. We all have an opinion on it.

Which is why I am so thankful for Romans 2:1 "you, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself..."

You don't need any context to understand this verse. There is no other way to read the verse... Yet, it is the one we most often get wrong.

We judge people every day. We make decisions about people from what others tell us.

Sunday night the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championship and the whole country celebrated because nobody wanted LeBron James to win. The country had judged LeBron and the verdict is guilty... of being a jerk. But do any of us really know him? Of course not.

If we choose to continue to judge people that way, we must be prepared to be judged that way. What if everyone you met knew all the mistakes you made. It might be hard to make new friends.

What if the world believed that loving your partner was wrong? And everyone you ever met knew that you loved him or her anyway? That would be a hard life.

Truth is, it's not the world's decision to make. It is God's. We should not pretend to think we know what God thinks. There is no seat next to God in court, He alone is the judge.

What I do know is this... God loves everyone, no exceptions.

If you want to speak for God then start loving.


  1. Thank you for your "loving blogs." They make me smile :)

  2. Pastor Nick, honestly I haven't been reading your posts lately or keeping up with your reading. Something I discussed with you about not reading the Bible right now like I want and should. But I felt compelled to read your blog now and it speaks volumes to me as your other posts have done before. I'm inspired so I am going to go open up my bible right now and get caught up on Romans. Thanks for taking your precious time to write these. Merry
