Friday, June 10, 2011

Romans 1

Romans 1 is often referenced by theologians that argue against homosexuality, claiming it to be a sin.

What I don't really understand is verse 26 "God gave them up to degrading passions..."

Some argue that homosexuality is a sin because it is a choice that one makes which is against God's will. What I think Paul is saying is that because of a broken world, which long ago has fallen away from God's desires, God has made people with passions that go against the natural order of the world.

I have a friend I have known for a very long time that is gay. She said to me, "do people really think I would choose this? Why would I choose to be persecuted my whole life?"

I don't know the answer and I admit that I know very little about psychology and how the mind works. (Whether it is a sin or not is not my decision, it is God's decision. When speaking on behalf of the God I serve I choose to err on the side of grace.)

What I do know is this...

Romans 1 has a list of sins that at some point in our lives everyone of us is guilty of. We are all deceitful, boastful, gossips, rebellious towards our parents and greedy at times in our lives.

There is not one person that is not included in the sins of Romans 1.

And just like all the people Paul is writing about, we all deserve to die. Gay or straight, we get what we deserve.

But then we get what we don't deserve.

Everlasting life is for all those who believe.

And frankly, I'm excited to get there... because we won't have to argue about this stuff anymore.


  1. The answer to "Are gay people sinners?" is "Absolutely. No question in my mind. But no more than you or I." Frankly, I'm over the conversation too. I don't like to speak for God... ok, I wish that were true... more to the point, God probably doesn't like it when I speak for God... but if I were Jesus and came back to find my church fighting about sex obsessions, I'd say "I died for THIS? Gimme my flesh and blood back." Again, not Jesus but just sayin...

  2. We must all remember that in God's eyes, no one sin is greater than another.

  3. When you read the bible you will find what you are looking for. If you are seeking HATE it is there and if you are seeking LOVE it is there.
    gloria r.

  4. I am so sick and tired of the whole topic... it is quite literally a no-brainer. We don't hear the same condemnation of just about every other sin, many far, far "worse" than what goes on in a person's private life. I am so honored and thankful that the ELCA has passed this point - and is not looking back. There are far bigger fish to fry. We are all total, complete, absolute sinners. Every damn one of us. A modern-day Samaritan might be a "gay" person... and we are supposed to... walk past them? Ya, right.
