Friday, June 3, 2011

Esther 10

***Esther 10***

The final chapter of this strange little book is all about how Mordecai was honored as the king's second in command.

After reading the book in its entirety, I think it should be named Mordecai not Esther. It is a fairytale-like story about a man who spends his days outside of the king's gates and comes up with a plan to get inside. He gets his beautiful cousin into the palace and uses her to influence the king. At the end of the story he is brought into the palace, given royal garments to wear and is the number 2 in command of all the kingdom.

How it happened though is tragedy and comedy.

Tragedy because somewhere around 100,000 people are slaughtered in this little book. And comedy because those deaths were the result of stubborn, prideful men being morons.

Mordecai refusing to bow to Haman is how this story begins. And it ends with Haman dead and Mordecai on top... but Mordecai should have bowed to Haman. Haman was a member of the king's court. Mordecai was in the wrong, his stubborness almost cost the every Jew their life.

Haman deciding that because one Jew didn't bow they should all be killed. Haman had a right to kill Mordecai according to their laws, but to kill every Jew because of the disobedience of one is overkill... pun intended. It reminds me of Mike Tyson telling his opponent he wants to eat his children. Really? I have heard that mobsters will go after your family, but I've never heard of anyone going after an entire nationality because of one person. That's what happens when egos swell up and pride takes over.

Haman and Mordecai just needed to either hug it out or fight each other like men.

The story of how these two plotted against each other is nothing new. We still do it today. We might get in argument with a friend or relative... then we will call all our other friends or relatives to tell your side of the story before the other person does. We include others in our disputes so that they will be on our side. The things we do when we are angry can be pretty funny, but they can also be tragic.

I once punted a basketball in the middle of a game in Junior High because the referee was terrible... I felt like an idiot immediately afterwards. (pretty good kick though... I remember being impressed for a second)

A guy in high school punched a brick wall and broke his hand. Yeah, I laughed, everyday for 6-8 weeks.

Truth is, we all do stupid stuff when we are mad. We are all stubborn and prideful at times. But unlike Mordecai our stories of pride and stubborness will not end with honor, they will end in embarrassment. They will end in regret and important relationships may be gone forever.

In those moments take deep breaths, don't involve others, and don't punch or kick anything.

Life is hard enough already. But if you do, please tell me what you did... I am always up for a good laugh!

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