Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Habakkuk 1

***Habakkuk 1***

Habakkuk is sick and tired of all the corruption he sees and wants God to do something about it. God responds by brining to the Babylonians to defeat the Jews.

God brings an army against His own people because they have become wicked and forgotten what God requires of them.

So the Babylonians come and take the Jews into exile for close to 80 years... or 2 generations.

The eternal nature of God can be annoying because sometimes God takes 80 years to make a point... either live as grateful people delivered from the hand of Pharoah or I will I give you an enemy that I will deliver you from, in 80 years.

We are finite people, we now that at some point everyone of us will die, and since we are living on borrowed time we want God to listen and act in a timely manner. I can't imagine Habakkuk being happy about the answer that he got from God... but he did get an answer.

Is there corruption and wickedness today? Yes. Will God send an enemy to overtake us? I don't know.

But I now He sent His Son, and we treated Jesus like an enemy. But through His death and resurrection we have been delivered from the damnation which we deserve to the salvation which He prepared for us.

We have been delivered from Pharoah... and ourselves.

Thank you God!

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