Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Romans 10

Verse 17 "Faith comes from hearing the message..."

Paul is writing about the people of Israel. The people that God had promised a savior. Paul writes that they had heard the message, but still didn't believe.

So how is it that some hear the message and believe while others hear the message and don't?

Maybe it is the way that the message is shared.

I wouldn't want to believe any message that involves protesting funerals and damning the world to hell... That doesn't sound like good news to me.

I am more open to listening to a message of love and grace... I think the world likes to hear good news.

But still, some will hear the good news and still not believe.

Unfortunately we can not save others, we can try and try and try but only the Holy Spirit can give someone faith.

I do not know why the Holy Spirit gives faith to some and not to others. My only guess is that the HS tries to give faith to all and some just aren't ready to accept it.

Which is why we have to keep trying.

When we tell the story it's like pouring gasoline on the fire. We can't do the work of the Spirit, but we can help!

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