Thursday, March 31, 2011

Proverbs 5

***Proverbs 5*** "There's a price for every promise you don't keep" - Clay Walker (see video) One of the most important things that Solomon has to say to his children is to keep the sanctity of marriage. An interesting statement from a man who supposedly had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11)... but we won't go there. Solomon was the child of King David and Bathsheba, a woman that David stole from Uriah, a good man. David saw Bathsheba bathing on a rooftop and had to have her. He made her come to the palace while her husband was off at war. Then... well they committed adultery. David then sent Uriah to the front line of the battle so that he would be killed, then David married Bathsheba. I imagine that David lived with regret for the rest of his life over what he did. It must have tore him apart. How could it not? Anyone with a heart would feel terrible for doing such a thing. This story is unfathomable to me, just like having 7oo wives and 300 girlfriends. I have 1 wife. 1 wife that I made a promise to, that I would be faithful to until I die. I know people that have made the same promise I did to somone else, but broke their promise and gave in to lust. And everyone they know are victimized. The person that loves them the most is the one that's hurt the most. Then the kids and family. Then the friends... if you were friends with a couple, they both are mad at you now. Then there is verse 10 "lest strangers feast on your wealth"... there is a reason lawyers drive nice cars. All that's left is shattered relationships, empty bank accounts... and lonliness. That is the price of a broken promise. It's not worth it. The seductive voice of lust is a liar...

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