Friday, March 25, 2011

Micah 7

***Micah 7***

"You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea"

I remember watching a video in a high school science class about the bottom of the ocean. Not the sandy bottom that Michelle and I enjoyed on our honeymoon in Cancun... but the bottom of the middle of the ocean.

The average depth of the ocean is a little more than 2 1/2 miles. And somewhere around Guam it is around 5 miles deep. The ocean is deep. So deep that sunlight doesn't make it down there. The water is very cold, it is dark, and the pressure is so intense that it makes research very difficult.

That is where God casts our sins. Somewhere that we will never see again. It's a powerful image, the thought of Jesus standing on the beach with a bag of sins on his back. He takes the bag in his hands swings them back and then heaves them in to the middle of the ocean... where they disappear to a place where no light will ever again shine on them.

And the amazing thing is, that in the bag is every sin we have ever committed, not one is left out. And it's not just our sins, but everybody's sins... remember 1 John 2:2 "and he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole world."

Maybe there is a reason that it is so hard to research the bottom the ocean, maybe we aren't supposed to see what is down there.

Writing this blog made me think of my favorite Jimmy Buffet song. In the song he says about the ocean "in your belly you hold the treasures few have ever seen." The problem is, there is more than just treasure down there. (some parts of the song aren't real churchy, but it's Friday)

See you on Tuesday when we start Proverbs! (you'll like Proverbs)


  1. Aaarrgghh, this pirate is really glad that all of my sins have been cast into the bottom of the deepest depths of the ocean. I sometimes can not fathom that Jesus takes all of my sins away, as I seem to continue to sin over and over. Thank you Lord for giving up your life so I might be forgiven and live with you in paradise forever. I wonder if we will hear Jimmy Buffet singing when we walk under the pearly gates. T G I F

  2. I sure hope we hear him singing.Love that song. Good thing the ocean is so deep to be able to handle all of our sins. So happy to be a forgiven child of God.

  3. I've always thought about wrapping that song into a baptismal image.. Something to how the speaker always finds healing and grace going back to the water.
