Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ecclesiastes 11 & 12

***Ecclesiastes 11***

The author of Ecclesiastes would make a good financial planner. It is good to diversify one's investments... in more than just 7 or 8 things.

We spend our lives building wealth so that when we get older we can retire and enjoy life without worrying about work and finances. It's important to invest our money in such a way that it grows steadily with low risk.

So of course it is good to be diversified.

It is also good to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in many places, to invest in many people, because we never know who is going to soar and who isn't.

I became a member of St. John Lutheran Church in Romeo, MI in 1988, 23 years ago. My pastor, Pastor Mark came the same year. One of his many gifts was his ability to relate to youth. He was great with us, and he loved every kid. He has seen hundreds of kids go through that church, some have left the faith, some go to church every Sunday, and one is a pastor. But he treated every kid the same. He invested in people.

We should too. That is what it means to make disciples.

But in the end, there can be no diversification. Our hope is not in many things but one God. It is Christ alone that saves us... not a mutual fund.

***Ecclesiastes 12***

"Remember God in your youth"

Our denomination has a vacuum where the young people should be. We have a lot of people 40+, but not many 15-40. (I'm not saying 40 is old, I'm just saying it's not considered "youth" anymore)

Let it be said... or typed... THE CHURCH HAS FAILED THE YOUTH.

The youth aren't interested in church because of the church.

I worked for 2 years at Jacob's Porch, which is the Lutheran campus ministry at Ohio State. I promise you there are youth who want to know Jesus... there are youth who want to live out His commandments of love and make a difference, but the church hasn't given them the opportunity,

Lutheran worship and theology is great, but we need to do something with it that makes the world a better place. That is what the youth are interested in.

Set aside the politics of church and re-focus on the purpose of church.

Remember... the church of Jesus Christ does not have a mission... the mission of Jesus Christ has a church... every decision should be made with that in mind.


We are officially done with Ecclesiastes! Tomorrow we will read Philemon. It is near the middle of the New Testament and it is only one chapter long. Page 1106 if you have the same bible I do.

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