Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ecclesiastes 9 & 10

***Ecclesiastes 9***

Today is Ash Wednesday, a day when we are reminded that we will all one day return to dust. It says in Genesis 2:7 that God made man from the dust of the ground and science has proven that when we are die our bodies slowly return to dust... or we can speed up that process and be cremated.


I hate dust, but no matter what I do I can't stop it from collecting on my furniture in my house. That's what dust does, it finds a place to settle and stays until something wipes it away.

The author of Ecclesiastes believes that just like dust, we find a place to settle and stay until something wipes us away... it may be war, disease, famine... anything really.

And just like the dust on my dresser we do not control when our end comes. Death is certain, for some it comes way too early and for others it waits... but it comes for all.

The verses from Ecclesiastes 9 that jumps at me today is verse 7-9... eat your food with gladness, drink your wine with a joyful heart and enjoy life with your wife, whom you love.

Take time to enjoy the small things. Eat your favorite food often and don't get so obsessed with work that you forget to be in love with someone.

Because we never know when the rag is coming.

But we have hope that the rag is not the end.

***Ecclesiastes 10***

I don't know about you but I am ready to be done with Ecclesiastes. Up until now work and wealth were meaningless, now a house leaks because of laziness and money is the answer for everything! Make up your mind!

What really sticks out to me is verse 4, "calmness can lay great offenses to rest."

So often we react in haste without thinking about the consequences of our actions. We mis-read what someone is trying to say and respond inappropriately, starting a conflict when one wasn't necessary.

The great majority of conflicts could be resolved if we learned to communicate better, and we comminucate our best when we are calm.

This verse reminds me of the Cuban Missle Crisis and President Kennedy taking 13 days to remain calm and make the best decision possible... and avoiding nuclear war.

The same concept holds true for our relationships. Chances are you have surrounded yourself with good people, people who you trust and care for.

But all people say and do stupid things. Expect that of others and yourself. If we can learn to not overreact, we can forgive and build stronger relationships.

But who knows, maybe money is the answer to everything! (I can't believe the bible says that)

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