Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 John & 3 John

***2 John***

This is an interesting little letter. It's so short, it reminded me of an email. Maybe, if John had the technology this could have even been a text message.

Two important things stick out to me.

1. This letter is written to a woman. A woman who was doing important work for the Kingdom of God. When John says children, he means members of her congregation, or community. It's funny that it only took us 2,000 years to let women be pastors again. If you don't think women should be called to ministry, I'd love to introduce you to my friend Pastor Kerstin.

2. This letter is a warning to slow down. Abiding Grace Lutheran Church, the congregation where I serve has surpassed all expectations since we first opened our doors 7 months ago. We have more members and a larger budget than anyone ever dreamed imaginable. We have gotten to this point because we have let Gdo lead us. We realize that human efforts could not have made this happen.

And now we meet to ask "now what?" We have been told on numerous occasions that nothing fails like success. What this means is that because of our early success we could become very comfortable with where we are and stop listening for God's guidance. But there is a danger in moving too fast. The danger is that we do what we think is best instead of waiting for God to lead us.

I was at a training last month and met a pastor who started a congregation in Orlando. He talked about the long process of finding a permanent building for his community to meet in. He told stories of all the different possibilities and how him and the leadership team would pray and pray and pray about each opportunity. The whole time I am thinking to myself "I am not that patient, if something comes available and we can afford it, let's do it."

I need to learn patience. I need to learn to wait for God to lead me. We as a church need to make sure that every decision we make is grounded in scripture, otherwise we might leave God behind.

The same is true for life. When Moses went on the mountain he waited 7 days for God. How long do you think it took for his patience to run out... 30 minutes? 3 hours? 3 days?

Life is full of important choices, choices God wants to help us through. Just remember that God answers in his time, not ours. Be patient with God and the path you are supposed to be on will become much more clear.

And that my friends is the only time that my blog will be longer than the book of the bible it is written about!

***3 John***

Apparently there is someone in the church that doesn't get it... Diotrephes.

Sometimes we get to so excited about something, we take more ownership that we ought to.

We must always remember that it is not our church, it is God's church. If we want to run something, join the girl scouts. God has to run God's church. I was blessed to do my internship Calvary Lutheran Church, a wonderful community of believers with a Spirit-filled leader, Pastor Phil. Their new website is God's heart, human hands.

That is the church.

Same with the gospel. It is not our gospel, it is Jesus'. If we share the gospel, we have to share Jesus' gospel.

Because his gospel, and God's church are gifts for us.

Help us Lord, to let you be in charge. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pr Nick! The reminder that we need to continually seeks God's guidance came at a perfect time for me.
