Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Micah 3 & 4

***Micah 3***

Scholars believe that Micah was written sometime around 725 BC, that's over 2,700 years ago. That is a long time ago. But it sounds like things weren't much different back then. The leaders were more focused on themselves than doing what is right for the people.

I have promised that I will never talk partisan politics when I am speaking or writing as Pastor Nick. It's really easy for me to keep that promise because I am disgusted with both parties right now.

It seems that our political leaders have lost sight of what made America so great and are more focused with their own re-election. They aren't even allowed to think for themselves anymore, instead they must vote the way that the party has decided. And nothing important gets done.
(I know that there are exceptions, but this is my blog)

One of the reasons that Micah is revered as a prophet is because Israel listened to him, they changed there ways and heeded the warning. They turned the ship around and avoided disaster.

No country can flourish when its leaders are focused on themselves. Israel was able to make the necessary changes, I think we can too.

**Sidenote: My politics... Here are the changes I believe we should make, just in case you wanted to know. Understand my context, I am from the Detroit area, grew up in middle-class family and minored in political science. We need a balanced budget, we need to pay down debt and we need to make sure every child has a chance. When we have a surplus, we need to send the money to China instead of sending each American enough to go out for a nice dinner. We need to take a hard look at our foreign aid policy; I don't expect people to give to the church using a credit card but that is what America is doing, borrowing money to give to others... some of whom don't need it. (I'm not saying we shouldn't help those in need, we just need to be sure our aid is going to those in need and not sending the President of Egypt $2 billion dollars a year for his savings account) We need to strip lobbyist of their power and find alternative energy sources. We need to be sure that our American soldiers, the true heroes are fighting enemies who intend to do us harm... not just those who dislike us. Those are my thoughts, I won't say them from the pulpit and I don't expect anyone in my congregation to agree with me, though some might.

***Micah 4***

Micah seems to have a pattern. He speaks harsh words and then he gives hope. This hope is in the form of a promise. The promise is that many nations will return to the Lord and on His Holy Mountain they will find peace.

As long as nations and leaders are focused on themselves the world will never know peace. But when they all return to the Lord, they will all know peace. Their weapons will be destroyed and made into something new something with a new use, something that fulfills God's purposes.

And the reason is they won't need their weapons... "no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken."

My politics, which are 3 inches up your screen, come from the same place most political beliefs come from a strong mixture of faith and fear. But like my father's weedeater, it is probably a 4-1 mix... 4 units of fear to one unit of faith.

I am fearful that if we don't balance our budget and pay down our debt China will stop buying our treasury notes and we will see economic armageddon. I am fearful that if every child is not given a chance to succeed that the problems in Detroit will spread to other urban areas. I am fearful that if we do not find alternative energy sources that gas will get to $8 a gallon and we will struggle to pay our electric bills. I am fearful that my children are going to inherit the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg.

Which is why the promise of not having anything to fear sounds so sweet to my ears. All we need to do is hear the Lord Almighty speak.

Anytime now God is going to speak....

Wait for it...

I'm ready...



God has already spoken, on the cross through Jesus. God has spoken and the message loud and clear is I LOVE THE WORLD. In return we are asked to love God and love each other. If we took these commandments seriously we wouldn't have anything to fear... remember last week when John wrote that love casts out fear.

God has spoken and continues to speak in every act of love on earth. It is up to you and I to be God's voice. It is up to you and I to bring about change, to bring about peace.

It is up to you and I to love.

Speak through us O God. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding political and Biblical views. Be God's voice, bring about change and peace and above all love.
