Thursday, March 10, 2011



Every time I read this chapter... or book, I wonder why it's in the bible.

The entirety of the book of Philemon is a short letter that is written from one person to another person... asking a favor.

It's not a letter from Paul to a church. It's not a story about the amazing things the church is doing. It's just a letter to a guy named Philemon asking for a favor.

But it is theologically rich.

I love that Paul feels like he has the authority to tell Philemon what to do, but he decides not to. Instead he prefers to appeal to him on "the basis of love."

It kind of reminds me of when I worked security at a nightclub. When someone was a little overserved we let them decide to leave "on the basis of love." When all along we had the authority to make them leave... which is where the analogy breaks down because we often had to put our authority to use.

But it also says a lot about the relationship between us and God.

God has the authority to tell us what to do... He created us after all. But God never chooses to use His authority, instead God chooses to teach us through love.

We in turn are not supposed to be mindless robots doing what our creator forces us to do, but we follow God's laws because of the love He showed us on the cross. Where He paid all our debts, just like Paul offered to do for Onesimus. We aren't enslaved to a person, but to our sin...

And our hope is not in a letter written with ink, but an eternal promise written in Jesus' blood.

1 comment:

  1. God's love is all around us and it will shine especially now as the people of Japan's northeast coast have been devistated by a terrrible earthquake and tsunami. Our prayers are with everyone there and throughout the country including the millions that are without power. Our country is already on the ground working to restore power and to provide aid. During this time of great struggle, please Lord let us help anyway that we can. And to Emily's host family in Nagisaki , please provide them peace during this time of great despair.

    Thank you Lord for sending this curious new Pastor to help shepard our flock. His path has been long and winding, from car sales account manager to nightclub bouncer, and now as he is lifted through love at his ordination, continue to touch him with your grace and bestow upon him your wisdom . Many thanks Lord for the blessings you share with each of us everyday. Thanks be to God. Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say Rejoice !
