Friday, April 1, 2011

Proverbs 6

***Proverbs 6*** One of my seminary professors told me a story about a previous seminary student. This student and his girlfriend went on a camping trip and slept in the same tent. The seminary faculty heard about their trip, and because they were not married but slept in the same place they considered that breaking the rules... so they kicked him out of seminary. The point of the story was simple, never put your future in someone elses hands, because you never know who doesn't like you. I could hardly believe that someone may not like me... but I guess it's true, everyone on earth has someone that doesn't like them. That's what the first half of this chapter is all about. Do not give others so much authority over you that you're enslaved by them. I don't think that we give our neighbors this authority today, but credit card companies and mortgage companies... have you ever felt like you're just working to pay off debt. At the end of the month all you have left is a few dollars to order a pizza and see a movie. It's the American way. And work, good old work. Most of us have to work for someone, we have a boss. So it's kind of hard not to put our future in someone elses hands. Some bosses are better than others, but there are those bosses where you feel like you have to walk on eggshells. And you do all you can to keep their attention away from you. But sometimes it doesn't even matter, you can be the best in the business at your trade, and still they let you go. They downsize or outsource and it doesn't matter how much your boss likes you. And while some lucky few get some kind of a severence, many people are just thrown into the street like Fred Flintstone throwing the family pet through the window. Don't put your future in anyone elses hands. Put your future in Jesus' hands. He never downsizes or outsources. You never have to worry about giving Jesus a reason to fire you or kick you out. When you put your future in his hands you'll notice the holes in his hands... and that is price he paid so that you don't have to worry about your future. ************************************************************************************ I've been on vacation today and yesterday, so I only did one chapter. Next week I am back to 2 chapters a day. Have a great weekend!

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