Thursday, April 21, 2011

Proverbs 19

***Proverbs 19***

Verse 6 "everyone is the friend of one who gives gifts."

I went to a private high schoolwith and had many classmates with wealthy parents. These kids drove nice cars and always had more money than I could imagine... they had more money in their wallet than some of our teachers made in a month.

Some of these kids figured out that they could be friends with the cool kids if they were generous to the right people. It used to make me laugh... but it is a universal truth... people with money, that give nice gifts have many friends.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy exchanging gifts but it is not the foundation that any of my relationships is built on. When the gifts stop, so does the relationship.

I guess there is one relationship which is founded on a gift, my relationship with Jesus. Today is Maundy Thursday, the day that Christians around the globe gather to worship our risen Lord because of the gift that he gave... his life. When we break the bread and pour the wine we begin to understand the power of God's love.

His body was broken for you.
His blood was shed for you.

Made me think of this video...

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