Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Proverbs 21 & 22

***Proverbs 21***

I wonder if Solomon was having marital issues when he wrote chapter 21... but I'm not going to take any marriage advice from a guy that had 700 wives.

Instead let's talk about verse 3 "To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice."

Sacrifice was a part of worship for the Israelites and it still is for us. That's what the offering is all about. Instead of bringing bulls and lambs to sacrifice we bring our dollars to give to God.

There are a number of times in the bible where it says that God is less interested in our sacrifice, less interested in our worship and more interested in how we live our lives.

God did not want their bulls and God does not want our wallets unless they come with our hearts... God desperately wants our hearts.

If I bought flowers for Michelle and told her that the only reason I got them was because they were on sale, she probably wouldn't be very excited when I gave them to her. Instead I would say something like "I love you so very much and wanted to surprise you today with this gift." That would work much better.

It's the same with God. God is not interested in half-hearted worship... "well I had nothing else to do on Sunday morning." God wants worship to be motivated by love. The same love that motivates us to be good people, people who do what is right and just.

***Proverbs 22***

When we get to the thrirty sayings of the wise I am reminded of Jethro Gibbs' rules for being a special agent on NCIS... if you follow these you will make it through.

I am interested that he says in verses 26-27 "do not be one who shakes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means to pay your very bed will be snatched from under you."

Thousands of years ago borrowing money was bad idea, and money then was loaned without interest. They used to think loaning money with interest was a sin, it was called usury. Now we have an entire economic system based on borrowed money and interest.

C.S. Lewis wondered how an economic system that was based on a sin could ever survive. I'm not saying that the sky is falling, but it interesting that these problems are not new.

The solution is to be better stewards, don't borrow so much, save more money and live below our means.

But it's hard to do, the goal of advertising is to get us to part with that which we should be saving... and we will never be able to escape the influence of advertisers.

Plus it's good to stimulate the economy right? Or is it better to stimulate our savings account?

I'll ponder that while I am paying my bills after I post this blog.

My truck sure is nice.

1 comment:

  1. nothing, not silver or gold is more important than our family in Christ at Abiding Grace and our mission to be in servanthood to our community
