Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Proverbs 23

***Proverbs 23***

Those who drink wine "will be like one sleeping on the high seas, lying on top of the rigging."

Many years ago I went to Fiji with Habitat for Humanity. It was a great trip but I never want to go back because it took forever to get there. There is no direct flight from Detroit to Suva. I had to go to Cincy, then LA, then Honolulu, the Somoa, then Nadi, Fiji and finally to Suva. And each change of planes included a 4-6 hour lay-over. I think I was up for 46 hours. But the worst part was when I got sick on the plane as we were landing in Somoa in the middle of a typhoon... they had to land the plane while I was in the bathroom. I never thought my stomach would stop spinning.

We probably all have a story or two like this, some of which may include alcohol... but we all know what it feels like. The worst part about feeling like that is that we are no longer in control of our bodies... we can't get comfortable.

That's what sin does. When we can't control our actions, when we give in to the temptations, we give control to that which will always let us down. It might be alcohol, it might be drugs, maybe food or an unhealthy relationship... but we sacrifice the long-term for immediate gratification.

The only way to know that we will be in a good, healthy place is to give control of our lives to God... God will never let us down.

And we can skip alcohol and air planes.

1 comment:

  1. Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope...God, I hope this suffering character can finish!
    Romans 5:3-4

    From James Taylor's song "Fire & Rain"
    Sweet dreams and flying machines on pieces on the ground- the story of my life....
