Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Proverbs 12 & 13

***Proverbs 12 & 13*** I put the two together today because they both have the same message. 12:1: "Whoever hates correction is stupid." 13:1 "A wise son heeds his father's instruction." The cable music channel VH-1 has a program called Crossroads. The idea of the show is to bring in a hot, young artist and team them up with an older, well-known artist and let them play together. I've seen the show a couple times, and there is always a point where they show the two singers or bands having a conversation. I remember one well known band giving advice to a young singer, and she just kind of let it go in one ear and out the other. Often times young folks don't like to take advice, we think we know it all... and yes, I would put myself in that category at times. But Solomon has one word for that thinking... it's stupid. It's even harder to take advice when a young person experiences a certain measure of success in life. As I get older I realize that there is so much that I don't know... I am starting to think that holds true for a church too. This little church we started in Southlake has been a smashing success in our first 8 months... and we are proud of what God has done through us. But it's easy to think that we have this thing figured out and don't need any advice... but we're ready to give it. It starts with the pastor.

1 comment:

  1. We are in this boat together aren't we. Thanks for the perspective.
