Thursday, April 28, 2011

***Proverbs 24***

***Proverbs 24***

Today is one of my most favorite days of the year... the beginning of the NFL draft. It is a day that college kids spend their whole loves working towards and a day tht NFL teams spend months preparing for.

Tonight my Detroit Lions picked another defensive lineman... just like last year. At first I wasn't sure about it; defensive line is one of their strengths... why wouldn't they draft something they needed? Like a cornerback? Or a linebacker? They didn't need another defensive lineman... but the guy they drafted may be the best player in the draft.

It is easy for me to sit on my chair and tell people what they should do... it's harder to actually make the right decisions. It's hard to place a bet on a 21 year-old kid.

Verse 5 "The wise prevail through great power, and those who have power muster their strength."

Wisdom comes with great power...

The power to find peace.

The power to be happy.

The power to love.

The power to accept forgiveness and let go.

Unfortunately it's not easy to be wise. The world we live in does not promote wise living. Instead we are encouraged to go in debt, to eat terrible food, and to lust after a certain body type. We conitnually focus on that which don't have.

Wisdom is understanding and cherishing what's important... the things that money can't buy.

Wisdom is not trusting in a lousy football franchise to finally figure it out... that is hope!

1 comment:

  1. not to mention... "football" has so many meanings nowadays... as you know.
