Thursday, April 7, 2011

Proverbs 10

***Proverbs 10*** Verse 9 "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." When I worked for Chrysler I was responsible for over 40 dealerships in Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire. It was a good job that included a lot of traveling... I had to go to all the dealerships. When I visited a dealership I would always meet with the owner of the dealership and talk business. I met a lot of interesting people in the dealerships. Some I wouldn't trust enough to buy a AAA battery from and others that were honest and good. But there was one man in particular that I had tremendous respect for. His name was Tom and he sold Jeeps. I have no idea if Tom is a christian or not, I know that he played golf every Sunday in the summer, so he must not have been a regular church member. But Tom was, and still is an incredible person. I spent more time at his dealership than any other, it was a place where I always felt welcomed, a place where everyone always felt welcomed. Tom and I would sit and talk more about life than business. He told me that money doesn't mean much to him, but his goal in life was to protect his name. He lives in a small town, where people recognize each other when they go to the store and out to dinner. His biggets concern was that people would see him walking around town and would be reminded of a bad experience at his dealership... He sleeps well at night because he has done everything he could to be fair with every customer. I'll never forget him telling me that... it was refreshing to hear someone in his position say such a thing. But it's bigger than just the auto industry, it's a great way to live your life. Each day our lives are full of opportunities to treat each other fairly, or to treat each other poorly. How well do you sleep at night?

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