Thursday, October 20, 2011

Song of Solomon 7

Verse 1 "How beautiful are your sandaled feet..."

This chapter is a continued poem written between two lovers. It's amazing the things people say and do when they are in love... they are blinded and can be foolish.

Solomon says something silly here... There is no such thing as beautiful feet! Maybe it's just me but feet are gross. I love my wife very much, but if she wants a foot massage she needs to shower and put on some socks... otherwise I ain't touching!

I'm writing this blog from a Comfort Inn in Wichita, Kansas. I drove 400 miles today for a training seminar that I felt compelled to attend. This seminar is going to help me preach the Gospel louder and more clearly. (Hopefully)

It is that Gospel that led me here. It is that Gospel that led me to Texas. It is that Gospel that leads me everyday. The Gospel of God becoming man. The Gospel of Jesus, who humbly washed his disciples feet, and who lovingly bled and died for our sins.

It's that Gospel that makes me do silly things.

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