Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Numbers 36 - Thank God!

We have finally reached the end of Numbers. It has been a long, strange little journey. Thank you Mark Saunders for suggesting it. I hope you got as much out of it as I did. The main lesson that I learned: don't ask for suggestions! Haha!

The Lord, through Moses states that the Israelite women must marry men that are within their father's tribe.

Wouldn't it be weird to live in a city with 70,000 people and know that you are related to every other person in the city? And you had to marry someone else within that city... sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Why would God make such a rule? Because of inheritance... it's just easier this way.

I assume that since there weren't colleges, nightclubs or the internet that there wasn't a lot of inter-tribal dating going on... but still it is a pretty silly rule.

We don't choose who we fall in love with, the heart just takes over and like a magnet we need to be in the presence of that person. It's not a choice.

Faith is the same way. We don't decide to believe in God, but instead we, in a sense fall in love with God... Even though we aren't a member of God's tribe.

God still looks at us and says "you are my people" and we say "you are our God." Just like marriage vows.

Because God loved us first.

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