Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Song of Solomon 3

This chapter begins with the author seeking "him who my soul loves." In verse 4 the author finds him, "held him, and would not let him go."

Sounds like the journey of life.

We spend years searching for what will make us happy. We believe the lies of the world thinking that ways of lust and over-consumption is the secret. So we seek out pleasures that we think will make us happy, but the feeling of joy only lasts but moments while the feelings of regret and guilt linger.

The answer to happiness is love. Not so much being loved by someone, but being in love with someone who loves us back. Some people never find that person. Some people think they found that person and then their world is turned upside down when they leave. True love is hard to find, if we are looking for it in other humans.

It's not hard to find if we look to God. God is love. God is that which our souls long for. God is that which we sould hold on to and never let go.

Because God never let's us go.

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