Friday, October 14, 2011

Song of Solomon 5

Verse 2 "I slept but my heart was awake..."

This chapter is about a lover that is yearning for his wife. He wants her so bad that he can not sleep.

You ever have those nights? When you sleep but your heart is awake. You wake up in the morning and it is as if you didn't sleep at all. I have had hundreds of nights like that in my life. Nights where my mind races too fast to allow my body to rest.

Some nights are because I am so excited... I never slept well the night before the first day of school. Other nights are because I am worried... I don't sleep well the night before I have a flight, I always worry about oversleeping and missing the plane.

Other times I can't sleep because my heart is not whole. It's hard to sleep after a loved one dies. It's hard to sleep with hurt feelings or the guilt that comes with hurting a loved one's feelings. It's hard to sleep when my other half is out of town. The bed seems so big without her. I can't imagine what it is like for the spouse of a soldier... having to go to sleep every night not knowing where he or she is and what kind of danger they are in.

It's nights like these that remind us that we are alive, nights where we are reminded of what it means to live and love, nights where we have no control.

Nights where we must trust in God.

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