Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Matthew 1

I don't usually make a habit of arguing with the authors of the Gospels. But Matthew is wrong in chapter 1. He claims to give the genealogy of Jesus, but he really gives the genealogy of Joseph.

I understand why Matthew did it. He is writing to a Jewish audience and is connecting Jesus to King David and Abraham.

##Sidenote - You ever study your genealogy? Sometimes you find out crazy things. My great grandmother came to America when she was 13 as an indentured servant. She was a slave. I never imagined that slavery was so close to me... I wonder if Joseph knew his lineage? I wonder if he knew the story of how David stole Bathsheba from Uriah and sent him to war to be killed? It's important to know where we come from, it shapes who we are.- End sidenote##

To me, this chapter is all about Joseph. If God was going to make this work, Joseph needed to be on board. Joseph needed to have a lot of faith. "Honey, I'm pregnant, and the father is God." Not sure that would work on too many people.

Joseph believing that Mary was impregnated by God is as much a miracle as the virgin birth.

But he did believe. He took Mary as his wife and he took the baby as his son. He named him Jesus.

Joseph lived out an undeniable truth. A person does not need to be your blood relative to be your family.

Love is bigger than DNA.

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