Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Song of Solomon 6

This chapter frustrates me. I encourage you to read it... Go ahead, I will wait.


In verse 8-9 Solomon writes that there are 60 queens (his other wives), 80 concubines (his girlfriends) and countless maidens (sex slaves?)... All these other women praise this one woman because she is the prettiest.

And because she is the prettiest, she is the one that Solomon loves the most.

The thing about being the prettiest is that it doesn't last. Someone prettier eventually comes around. Which could be why Solomon ends up with 700 wives and 300 concubines. (Do you think Solomon remembered all their names? Did he have weddigns where he married more than one bride? That's a lot of weddings if not, like one every month.)

When we focus solely on outer beauty we have very shallow relationships. Relationships that last until something better comes along.

True relationships go deeper. True relationships are more than just looks.

Now maybe we can read this as God being the lover and the church being the prettiest. But then who are the other ladies?

I think we need to reject this notion all together.

Instead we need to remember that Jesus was not Brad Pitt and the people he hung around with were not on TMZ... they were lepers, prostitutes, and fishermen... average people. Not beautiful people.

Except they were beautiful to God. We are all beautiful to God.

We are beautiful because He made us in His image.

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