Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Song of Solomon 2

I love baseball. I always have and I always will. I love everything about baseball... but more than baseball, I love the Detroit Tigers. (They absolutely broke my heart last night, but I still have faith they can come back and beat the Rangers.)

One of the many reasons I love the Tigers is Ernie Harwell. He was the voice of the Tigers for over 4 decades. He was an artist, he could paint a picture with his words. Every year, when the end of winter was blasting Detroit, Ernie would go down to Lakeland, Florida where the Tiger ballclub was getting ready for the new season. He would get on the radio and give us all hope that spring would be coming soon, and he would start every season with a piece of Song of Solomon 2: 11-12.

It is truly a beautiful text. It is about new beginnings, about plants returning to life after a long winter.

Winter comes every year. For some of us it comes even more often than that. Times when the world is against us and opportunities seem to be drying up. Life gets cold and dark. Sometimes life gets so cold and dark that we don't think we will make it to spring.

But spring is coming. Spring always comes. It's part of the cycle of life. We have to go through the darkness to get to the light. We have to go through the cold to get to the warmth. We have go through Good Friday to get to Easter Sunday.

And when it comes it is beautiful.

Hopefully it comes for the Tigers tonight.

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