Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Numbers 8

In chapter 8 God tells Moses more about what he expects of the Levites. They must be purified by shaving their whole body and they have to wear clean clothes and they have to retire at 50.

I wonder if anyone in the Israelite camp questioned whether God was really talking to Moses all this time or if the old man was making some stuff up. And how did Moses feel about being the only God talks to? I can imagine it now... "Hey guys, God spoke to me again. Y'all need to shave your whole body and wash your clothes." And then some get disgruntled... "but I was working on a cool moustache."

But here comes the good part..."God said y'all get to retire at 50." And they all cheered.

How nice is that? To be able to retire at 50. And it's not an option, once they turn 50 they are done working. The text says they may "assist" others, but they no longer have any responsibility.

Today is my first blog from my new office. We finally got our internet problem solved! So here I sit, on my new office chair at my new desk typing on my kind of new computer. Surrounded by all this new stuff it's hard for to me even grasp the concept of retirement. I hope to get there someday... Unfortunately the expected age for people to retire keeps getting pushed back, I wouldn't be surprised if it's 80 by the time it's my turn. (Hopefully the market will come back by then)

Why does God make this requirement?

Because it is good for people to retire. People were not created to work their whole life. It is good to spend some time enjoying life; enjoying the people we love and enjoying the world that God created.

It doesn't mean that one needs to stop working or caring, but it means that it is time for something else to be the main focus.


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