Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Numbers 12

Verse 3 "Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth."

Some people believe that Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, including Numbers. If that is true, then Moses also wrote this verse, claiming to be the most humble person on the planet.

Claiming to be the most humble person on the planet is an oxy-moron. Either Moses didn't write Numbers or he was not the most humble man on the planet.

What does it mean to be humble? Let me tell you, because I am the most humble person in Tarrant County!

Wikipedia says that humility is 3 things:
1. Submitting to God and legitimate authority
2. Recognizing talents in others and giving due honor
3. Recognizing the limits of our own talents

Humility is hard. I don't like anyone telling me what to do... I had enough of that growing up with 2 older sisters. I don't like admitting someone else is better than me and I like being good at everything. (Which I'm not, but sometimes pretend to be)

But I have to think bigger than me... I have to think we.

If we are going to thrive as a church, a community and nation. Then we need humble people. We need people that submit to authority... we need people in authority that submit to the will of the people. We need to affirm the gifts in everyone and we need to realize what we aren't good at.

Our future does not come in realizing our own greatness, but in realizing our weaknesses. And having the courage to whatever it takes to turn our weakness into a strength.

One person at a time.

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