Friday, August 12, 2011

Numbers 7

Numbers 7 tells us what the leaders of the families brought to offer the Lord. They all give silver and gold, incense and flour, and a whole mess of animals. They are generous in their giving. (In today's economy God would be doing pretty good with the precious metals He has been given!)

The Israelites are not ordered to give these gifts. They come to Moses and said "here, we brought these for the Lord." And Moses heard God say, "accept these gifts and give them to the Levites (priests) as they need."

Some churches can be a little over the top when it comes to asking their members for money. Some preachers make unrealistic promises based on giving. I heard a preacher promise his congregation they would hear Jesus' voice next Sunday if they all gave 100% of their income for the week to the church. Guess what? Jesus didn't show up... somebody must have ruined for everyone else.

Giving to God is not a contract.

Others preschers say that God requires everyone to give 10% to the church. Well, the bible does say that asked the Israelites to tithe 10%.

But God doesn't demand that we give. We can't buy God's love.

What God wants, the reason that God gave His only begotten son, is our hearts, not our wallets. God wants to be loved. All that God has done, creating the universe, the exodus and Jesus' death and resurrection was done so that we would know how much God loves us, and so that we would love God back.

And how do we love God back?

We give to God, because it is something we know how to do.

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