Thursday, August 18, 2011

Numbers 10

Verse 9: "(The Lord said) When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies."

Let me get this right... when an oppressive enemy is attacking I have to blow a trumpet so that God will remember me? God isn't watching while they are attacking? I don't know how to play a trumpet. I've tried and I can't even get the thing to make a noise.

What is God doing in the meantime? Taking a nap? Watching the Family Feud? Shouldn't God be paying attention and there to rescue me before my enemies attack?

A lot of the Old Testament speaks about a God that I don't know. The God I do know is the God revealed in Jesus Christ. A God that doesn't rescue us from each other... A God that didn't even rescue His son from the executioner.

Instead God rescues from that which we can not defeat... ourselves. And the consequences for our actions. God rescues us from sin, death and the devil.

The 3 most oppressive enemies we will ever face.

Lucky for us we don't even need the trumpet... just faith.

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