Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Numbers 2

This chapter tells us how the clans were organized so that the whole nation could start its journey. (for those of you not reading along!)

The Jewish people were going somewhere, all of them. They were headed to the promised land. But before the journey began they needed to organize. They needed to understand where there place was, they needed to be in agreement. Each clan and each family knew where to be.

The church of Jesus Christ is going somewhere. It is marching onward into the future. But it is not going to be very effective if it can't move forward in unison.

Instead of clans and families we have denominations and synods. But what we are lacking is a common goal. Instead of agreeing on our shared mission we dwell in our disagreements. (What is communion? You ordain women? You ordain homosexuals? The carpet should be maroon!)

The goal is the promised land... here. We can all live in peace and abundance. We won't need to worry about war or hunger... it is possible. But no one will make it there unless we all make it there, together.

But that's not going to happen. Human pride and ego will stop it.

But through Christ it will happen. It has happened and is happening.

And some day, we will be there. With our family.

We will be right where we are supposed to be.

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