Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Numbers 13

Moses sends a group of men into the promised land to explore. They find out what kind of fruit can grow and if the soil is fertile and they find out what kind of people live there and what kind of battle they are up against.

They report back 40 days later that the land is good for growing crops, but the people that live there are powerful with fortified cities. The one of the men, Caleb, silenced the people before Moses and said "we should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." (Verse 30)

Caleb is my kind of guy. Caleb thinks big, even if he is dead wrong. You have to love his enthusiasm!

The Israelites do go and take possession of the land, they are able to do it. But not in Caleb's timeframe, they do it in God's timeframe... many years later.

The church needs people like Caleb, with boldness and enthusiasm.

And the church needs committees that move slower and do their homework before making a bad decision.

And the church needs God to guide us. Even when we aren't asking for guidance we need to be looking for it.

When it all comes together the church can do amazing things.

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