Thursday, August 25, 2011

Numbers 14

In Numbers 14 the Israelites complain because they can not yet go to the promised land. They are sick of living in tents and walking in the wilderness... they are ready to build homes and grow crops.

They are ready for something else.

God is not ready for them to be doing something else... God has a plan.

The Israelites are not fond of God's plan, so they have a little tantrum. They say that life was better in Egypt and that God is a big dummy.

Well, God doesn't like that and decides he wants to wipe them all out. Moses talks God out of that idea. It's like a mother talking a father out of a severe punishment for a child. Instead God kills just a few, but promises that none of the complainers will see the promised land... they will all die on the journey.

The moral of the story? God has more experience being God than we do.

Let God be God.

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