Friday, July 15, 2011

Romans 16

I wonder if some day I will have someone to write my blogs for me, like Tertius did for Paul?

Any one from Abiding Grace want to volunteer to do that? The pay stinks but you get to spend time with me! Probably not going to happen.

In verse 17-18 Paul says "I urge you brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way... for such people are serving their own appetites."

Seminaries are interesting places filled with interesting people. Some students are really smart and earning their degrees to go on to earn a PhD and become professors. Some students are really smart and just want to be pastors or youth directors. Other students struggle through classes but make great pastors. And some students show up because they have an agenda.

My first day at seminary I met another student who had no interest in being a pastor or youth director, he just wanted to be a bishop. There was something he didn't like about the ELCA and he wanted to change it. So he went to seminary.

Some people join the church council because they want to see change. Some run for mayor or city council. Some take over the Little League or join the School Board.

And not all change is bad. Some change is necessary.

But change in the church needs to be done only when due dilligence has been done. The change must be theologically sound and meets the needs of the changing world. It has to be the decision of the community, not the decision of one.

Those who really believe the change they seek is best for Jesus' church must be patient. Because it is Jesus' church, not ours.

Otherwise, if someone pushes too hard for change, the church will divide.

And only Satan wins when the church divides.

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